Magnetic Air Car

Magnetic Air Car
It is a concept that was created in the thirties but never became popular for various reasons. Recently this is catching on because of the feature that it uses clean energy and global warming can be reversed. Earlier versions were not that efficient and the cars using this technology did not have high speed so they were not the preferred lot much.

All things will always have some disadvantages and this magnetic car is not devoid of it. There are no experimental results available about its working as yet. It may be because no study from any reliable source has been taken on this subject seriously by anyone so far. This mystery can be revealed only on the practical use of it as most of the things known are only on book and it has up to now remained mainly only a concept needed to be realized in practice for the betterment of mankind and the world at large.

Chris is the writer of this article, you can visit us for more information on magnetic air car and magnetic propulsion. Visit to read more detail.
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